
Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Little Bit Corny

Ok so for the past year I have been pointed by readers (I will not say who because YOU know WHO you ARE :o) about not writing enough about Asher in my blog. I hope you have enjoyed the past few posts on him.

So for this I have taken this time to write about the past year of Asher. He slept, he pooped, he ate, he cried, he pooped, and he slept again. Now that he is older and more mobile I am now able to tell stories. Like the following stories from today.

We jsut got finished eating lunch and Samuel had some corn in a cup left over, Asher still had a bunch of corn on his tray but he wanted down so I put him in the living room to play with big brother but instead he speed crawled back into the kitchen, got Samuel's cup of corn down, and ate all of his corn. Samuel does not know yet so I am just waiting to see his reaction when he goes back in to finish his corn. Know it is going to be fun changing that diaper tonight.

This morning Asher had gone into his bedroom and hopped in his chair so I buckled him up and made him a bottle. He was almost done with the thing while I was in there putting up some clothing when he decided he wanted to come over to me. Needless to say he kind of looks like a turtle. I went to get the camera and he followed me all the way to my room like this. So enjoy the pictures.

Friday, September 25, 2009


This last week I started watching Asher do some funny things, one of the things that caught my attention the most was how he would zoom into the living room pick up the grease lid then zoom through the house exactly to the spot where the empty grease jar was sitting. The funnies part is that i do not remember him going by it for a long time. I guess he just has good object recognition and remembers the 2 go together.

But what amazed me the most was that he could even screw the lid on nice and tight all by himself but his brothers do not like that and they want to be the ones screwing it on so they get upset with him. I guess when you have three they become territorial and Andy has finally won certain jobs from Samuel and now Asher is trying to take them away.

It is like while we were at the store after the meeting today and I asked if they could hand me Asher's shoe. Samuel was standing there but really was not looking for it. Well Andy had heard the question and saw the shoe so he ran over picked it up and said "Here you go Daddio." Well Samuel who is Daddio's big helper felt as if he just had his job taken away and first got angry and was going to rip it out of Andy's hands but I stopped him and said Andy could bring it too me. With those few short words his anger turned to sadness and he replied "But Daddio, it is my job to help you."

I am now just waiting for Samuel to start doing my job. I won't complain when he changes a diaper or fixes a bottle or prepares a turkey cracker bacon sandwich for them but I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon.

In the News

Ok I could not help myself to post this after some of the news I saw today. First off "teens that own their own car are more likely to have a crash." Shoot isn't it people in general that own a car are more likely to have a crash than people who do not since they drive a ton more. Good think both the research studies on this were not government funded.

Second "By constantly challenging yourself to resist a piece of chocolate cake, or to force yourself to study an extra half-hour each night, then you can actually increase your self-regulatory capacity, the researcher said." Moral of the story keep a piece of cake with you everywhere you go.

And Finally "We are not going to tax you for the health care bill instead we are going to tax the health insurance companies everyone will be forced to buy from so that they can then pass that tax onto you in higher rates." I see no problem with reforming our health care but that was just a stupid way to get around not taxing people.

On a side note Samuel and Andy bought books at the discount book tent today and Samuel was set on buying this one with a race car on it. It was 99 cents so I did not look at anything else on it well today he was sitting here pretending like he was reading it while I was checking out the news and he looked over to me and said "Daddio this is the best book ever." As I looked over I saw the title and read the subtitle it said "BURN Money Sex Murder...." Maybe I should start screening what he reads form now on. I just hope he will not want to bring it to Show and Tell at school next week.

FRG Meeting

Today we had an FRG meeting for our unit but the funny thing was in the email sent out about it it just said meeting on Friday (no time) and at so and so's New office, but no location. After replying back on Wednesday I got a message this morning with the time and managed to figure out the location after 2 phone calls. So the boys and I packed up and headed out.

They were so excited about going there because it was in the middle of the train hub in a warehouse. I could not have been in a better place. As we were leaving Samuel jetted out really fast and saw some Hooyas marching through the mud so he thought he would to, so as I came out of the building all I saw was Samuel stomping in some nice fresh recently stired up mud.

Of course he got in trouble but he replied with I am sorry I just wanted to be like the Hooyas. At first when I did not see him right off I thought that the passing by soldiers may have recruited him. I guess I was partly right.

First Steps

Through out our lives we live in patters. We do this than that then this again. For Asher it is eat bottle nap and repeat.

Well yesterday it was time for a bottle but I had not made it yet. All the sudden Asher goes running off into his bedroom and hops in his bouncy seat and sits there all excitedly. At first I thought he was just showing off but then started to get fussy like when he wants something. So I made a bottle and he was excited and drank it all.

At first I did not think a lot about it but last night he did the same thing, we went into his bedroom started making noises so I went and checked on him to see what was going on and again he was sitting in his bouncy seat and again it was bottle time. He has started to figure out patterns and signals to tell me when he wants something. Both Samuel and Andy did Baby sign language before 1 year but this little stubern baby (Blattner trait) has decided to come up with his own.

I notice when he wants something he will do the "No More" sign I had been trying to teach him and when he does not want something he reaches for it just to in turn quickly throw it down.

Another unique pattern he as started to work with is nap time, he will lay himself down in bed after I give him is nap time binky, of course this is after screaming a little and the second time I come in but he is now doing it on his own without me having to lay him back down.

I guess these are "First Steps" to becoming a self dependent big boy like the rest and no longer a baby. I guess that means it is time to have another right. ;o)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Over Dose

Two posts in one day you guys better be happy . ;o)

A few days ago I needed to write this but just did not have the time to. On Sunday my boys and I went to Wal-Mart in hopes of finding my wonderful wife and mother of my boys a birthday/welcome home present but instead we ended up only buying some Cars Children Vitamins and Popcorn Chicken. But the boys did find something to get Mommy but I would not let them get it quite yet because it would eat it all before she got home. :o)

Anyway after our little trip and lunch I gave Samuel and Andy both one vitamin and told them they get one a day. That evening during dinner I was in the living room playing with Asher since he finished before the other 2. And in a few minutes Andy comes running in the living room with his hands over his mouth and his jaws chomping down and a partly mute Ah oh coming through. So I get up and with our wooden floors any movement I make is loud so it gave me a way and alerted Samuel who jumped off the dryer.

I had put the vitamins up high so they would not get into them but they climb any and everything. If there were enough boxes I bet they would try to build another Tower of Babel. Anyway he was finishing his champing when I got into him. But before I could even ask what was going on Andy started to cry saying "Sorry Daddio, sorry Daddio, we did not mean to." with Samuel replying with "It was an accident." Still not knowing what exactly was going on I asked what they were eating to get the reply "Um ummm so good, Daddio, the vitamins are so good for me and tasty." It ended up they had cleaned out 51 more of those vitamins!

There was 60, I gave them 2, to 58, and there were only 7 left! I know most vitamins just flush out but I still kept a close eye on those boys to make sure nothing else happened. All other vitamins I have given them they like but not really, I guess they are just making them these days to taste tooo good.

Lately my phrase the boys are getting to know me as is "There is only one of me and three of you." So I guess they have decided to do things on their own, again.


So with Mommy gone to some training for a month, my time has gotten away and I have not updated my blog lately. And it was not Grandma, nor Nana, nor Gege who sent me the threatening email but Mommy (who typically neeeeeverrrrr reads my blog :o) who gets about 5 minutes of Internet access a day. So I guess I better get after it.

Over the weekend we had a slow but constant rain storm that leaked into our house in every bedroom. Maintenance came out to fix it but the ceilings were still discolored. Every night Samuel would say, "Daddio I can't co to sleep because my room is broken." Because of the discoloring he thought it was broken and today the guy came to repaint it and check to see if the drywall needs changing. But this house was built in 1954 so top quality drywall was used. :o)

Needless to day the kind man took care of us and replaced some tap and puddied up some spots and said it was all dry so did not need to worry about replacement but to keep an eye out. Samuel was so excited because his room was now fixed and he could not sleep in it without worrying.

Last night it took him 2 hours before he finally fell asleep because his room was broken. I almost went in there to have a sleep over but he had finally fell asleep. Ever since Mommy left he has asked me every other night if I could come and have a sleep over with him since Mommy is not there and I do not need to sleep in Mommy's room by myself. I have a few times but he tosses and turns and even kicks a lot in his sleep. One time I even woke from a nice kick right in my face that almost knocked me off of the bed.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Journey

So last week while Mommy was gone ;.o( Samuel started his first day of Pre-School, which he loves. Anyway after his first day of school he came home all excited and stuff but then said he did not want to go back tomorrow. I think he was afraid he was missing out on all the fun at home especially since Gege and Pops were there. Anyway the next morning he was wanting to go back again. Well this is the second week and he now has Show and Tell every Tuesday and is in the Triangle group and gets to choose a letter each day to find where he sits. He is having a blast.

Well each day I ask him what he learned and what he did and he always mentioned a Journey each time. Well today while waiting I got to meet Journey's mother, and I introduced myself as Samuel's dad which she did not seem to care. Well Journey got out of class first and when she asked what she did today she started talking all about Samuel.

Was was interesting watching Samuel today while dropping him off since it was only his forth day. There are a lot of little things they did to get into class that I never noticed but Samuel knew to do. Like take pick up his name on the clothing pin and stick it on the bucket then go in and draw out a coin with a letter on it and stick it on his name, then hang up his backpack and take out his folder and then put it in the folder box. Once he was all done though he ran out of the class (which every day the teacher jumps up to catch him before she realizes what he is doing) to give Andy and Asher a goodbye hug and kiss and tell them he will miss them.

It is the sweetest thing ever. Well I best stop writing so that I can go help Samuel with is general geometry and help him study for his adverb recognition test, missing 2 days has really put him behind in the class but I think he will be ok.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Ahser - Two Hot Dogs, a peice of Pizza and a Beer

So the other day Asher was eating everything in the world that he could get hold of. In fact we had a late lunch and he had eaten a lot of crackers before hand so I fed him a hot dog and he had it down in just a few minutes. I then gave him another and he did the same thing. A few hours later during dinner time he ate a huge piece of pizza. Of course though it was a no allergy pizza (a hamburger pizza with no cheese or sauce). And he was still hungry it was crazy. This boy does not have a hallow leg he just has a big hole at the bottom where every must fall out.

Oh and the Beer, well it jsut made for a cool title. :o)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Calm Trouble

Tonight Mommy went to bed early since she has to get up at 1 AM. So for dinner the boys did their typical throwing a fit because they did not want fish sticks. After doing what I could to get Andy to stop crying I told him if he did not stop I would set him outside to eat.

So of course he did not stop so I set him on the side steps by the kitchen to eat. After a very short time of crying all I hear is this calm but upset Daddio, Daddio, Daddio, Daddio from him. I continued to stand by the door looking at him but he would never look at me instead he just continued to look up. I did not think anything of it and went off. For about 4 more minutes it continued and Samuel went to open the door so I went in the kitchen to shut the door and see how Andy was doing when I noticed he was now standing in the corner of the stair case slightly shaking still looking up saying Daddio. I went outside to sit with him while he ate thinking that is what he was wanting but it was not.

As I asked him if he would be good and stop crying so Mommy could sleep or if he wanted me to stay out there with him while he ate, all he could reply back with was Daddio and a finger pointing upward. As I turned my head to look upward I almost fell down the stairs when I saw this huge red spider with the body at least an inch long. Nothing like I have ever seen before. After catching my self I took off my sandals and killed the thing and became Andy's hero, even after being the guy who made him sit outside to eat.

The crazy part about it all was that Andy even though scared crazy was super calm just yelling Daddio.