
Monday, November 16, 2009


I was going to write about my wife being pregnant but GeGe and Mommy did not like the idea of how I was going to present it so I guess I will not tell anyone.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Mommy's Costume

So I actually made one costume this year and it was for Mommy. I asked her what she wanted to be and she said a Serial Killer so I went to work and well here is a picture of the finished product as well as some of the decent pictures the boys took while my camera was missing.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So Nov 1st the boys hid the camera from me while taking a shower and I did not find it for a few days. So here are the pictures from Halloween and if I get a chance later I will post the non-blurry pictures they took. (most are taken of a finger or an eye, well at least I think they is what they are)