
Thursday, October 2, 2008

"Daddio Work"

Over the past three weeks Mommy has been home with the new baby and everyone has been loving it. The baby loves having Mommy there to feed him, the boys love having Mommy there to take the to play while she works out, and Daddio love having Mommy there to take the boys to play while she works out. :o) All in all everyone loves Mommy.

Some days though I feel that the boys love her more than me and this week they proved my theory. One day while the boys were taking a nap Mommy went to the bathroom, when they woke up she was still in there and Samuel came running out and could not find Mommy so he asked if Mommy had gone back to work. I kindly answered with a little laugh "No Samuel, Mommy is in the bathroom." With a little thought he replied, "Daddio, can you go to work and let Mommy stay home?"

A sad but happy moment in my life, sad because he wants Mommy to stay and me go, but happy because I know she does a better job at it that I do and she loves it.

Like people always say children never lie and tell the truth even if you do not ask. "Mommy Andy hit me back!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone will be well for your trip. Well Rusty I think todays blogg was just the sweetest. We would like to be first in our childrens life but we also want our mates to be first. You have had a wonderful experience these past is it 3 years. The boys will neve forget life with daddieo. I am sure Anndea is more excited with each passing day of the experience she will have being home with the boys. They love you both very much. Very special parents. grandma