
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

On our Trip

So I am currently on our family trip and will write all about it when we get back. I just thought I would give you a little update of what has gone on. First off, while checking the blog stats I noticed that someone visited my blog through google searching for the keyword "sonic fart" So I did a search and after the videos listed up top my blog is #1 on the list. :o)

yesterday we went to the zoo and today to the kid's science center. On the bottom section of the Science Center they had a old wooden train set and Samuel saw it right off and we had the hardest time getting him away from it. For the next 30 minutes he was Mr. Grump Bucket, he would just stand there about 5 to 10 feet away from the rest with his arms crossed and his head partly down with a frown on his face. Finally there was this spinning table that had a map on it and he slowly came up and when he finally wanted to play Mommy and Andy moved on. I had to stop the people behind us so that Samuel could have a minute to play with it. As he approached I noticed his cheeks were red and covered with tears. It really upset him that he had to leave the Train set, but he had so much fun with the rest of the place that for the next 5 hours he totally forgot about the train set until we were leaving the building. With that said, we will be returning back on Friday before we leave town so they can play with the train set and the 7 story science filled indoor playground! With our family membership to the Discovery Center in Springfield we were able to get into this place for free so the $44 cost for the yearly membership was well worth it (since this place alone cost $46 :o).

Monday, April 27, 2009

Earth Day

So the community here decided to have Earth day on the 25th instead of the 22nd here. It was really funny because they had all sorts of things about recycling and reducing our waste but they were giving out water bottles everywhere and had only a very small place behind a display to recycle the plastic bottles but nothing for the coke cans.

Anyway the boys really liked going to all the places and playing on the play ground. They had a bounce house there but Samuel was refusing to go on it screaming and everything else. A few days earlier he met a boy named Eric, who is 5, and they have become friends, Eric even offered to hold his hand in the bounce house but Samuel still did not want to. After a while of being in the heat we decided to go home and even though most had sunscreen on the boys still got a little red.

So now to the good part. After being home for a little while and replenished with water and rest that the sun had managed to drain earlier, Samuel came up to me and said "Daddio, I am very very sad." With curiosity I replied "Why is that Samuel?" and he began on this little story explaining why he was sad. Basically he was said because he now wished he would have jumped in the bounce house with his friend Eric and that he is said because Eric offered to hold his hand but he said no.

A little later Samuel came up to me and said again, "Daddio, I am very very very proud of you." Wondering why because I had not done anything but dry a few dishes, I asked why is that. With a big smile on his face and in a fast voice he blurted out, "Because you brought me to learn about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! I am so very very proud of you Daddio, thank you very much!"

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Ok so I said I would write this a few days ago but just now got around to it. Braxton Edwards and I were friends when I was in Pre-first and he Kindergarten. The two groups had recess at the same time during the day and one day I did not want to pay kick ball and was walking around and he was walking on top of the hill by the school at Gateway. The school was up higher than the playground. I wanted to go down the newly installed slide that they put on the side of the hill but had noone to share the fun with. So I saw Braxton walking (had never met him) and introduced myself the best a 5 or 6 year old can. I asked if he wanted to play and be began playing and sliding down the slide.

From then on we became friends. Now I might be wrong on this but I believe that is how it went. :o)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Yesterday while the boys were taking a nap I was naughty and decided to get myself a little snack covered in allergies. So I reached far into the cupboard behind a lot of pots and pans until my fingers hit a smooth plastic package hidden in the back. I slowly pulled it out being careful not to break the contents inside. Once out I gently opened the wrapping and pushed out the first of two Nutty Bars. Biting into the crispy peanut buttery, chocolaty bar I had a flash back to my first ever taste of a Nutter Butter.

I was very young and my dad had just come home from work and told us he had a surprise for us. All excited and waiting, Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out a Nutter Butter bar and gave it to us. Asking what it was he said try it so we bit into it and enjoyed it greatly. Peanut butter is one of my favorite treats so mixing it with a crispy wafer and chocolate just made it perfect. I remember Tonie asking where he got it and he said that the snack machine guy was taking out the old items and putting in new so he asked if he could buy the old one from him for a quarter. It was the best quarter ever spent. :o)

Anyway, I just thought I would write about a random childhood memory I had and share it with you. Samuel reminds me of myself during that time because when I let him try something new he reacts like I did. But unfortunately due to the boys' allergies they have not been able to enjoy or taste a Nutty Bar.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Naughty Spot

Asher Thomas had just woken up and Samuel and Andy with their daily ritual as the baby monitor yelled "Asher Daddio, I hear Asher!" and without a second breath they ran off in full speed to Asher's bedroom. As normal Samuel jumped on the bed (since Asher's bed is a double bed :o) and Andy tailing behind always stops to look for something that he can climb upon to get up there. This day Andy had grabbed the loud ridable Thomas that some neighbors gut for Samuel when he turned two. (Side note, these neighbors got him one and their son one but after the birthday party and the constant noise the thing made they took the unopened one they had gotten for their son as a present back)

Andyway to make a short story long, Andy loves opening the window blinds so that the sun light beams down on the bed. As he pulled Samuel wanted to help and grabbed the cords from Andy and ended up hitting Andy in the head with them. Naturally Andy started to cry and then I heard frantic feet running fastly out of the room and to the corner by the entry way. I come out of the kitchen and look over and Samuel is sitting in the corner with his head bent down so I ask him why Andy is crying and he replied, " Daddio you cannot talk to me for four more minutes because I am in the naughty spot." Confused I said what? And again he replied, "DaddiOOOO, shhhhhhhhh, don't talk to me I am in the naughty spot for four minutes because I am four."

With this I went into the bedroom and Andy had stopped crying and told me Samuel had hit him. Samuel is not just an honest boy, he is also a self punishing one too. :o) It reminds me of when he was little and we would spank his hands when he was naughty and so when he did something he would spank his own hand and tell me, I already did it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pretending to be Mommy

So the other night Samuel and Andy were playing in there room while Asher was getting ready for bed and I was writing yesterday's blog post. While playing Samuel tells Andy, "I will be Mommy ok." Mommy came out of the bathroom and asked what are you guys doing, wondering why Samuel was pretending to be Mommy. Samuel just replied, I am pretending to be Mommy, and he continued walking down the hallway with big steps. When he got to the living room he turned his head and peeked in and said "Hum, where is Andy?" Pretended to look around and then walked back with big steps to his room and peeked in and repeated, "Hum is Andy in here?" Then he ran to where Andy was partly hiding.

At night to wear the boys down we sometimes play hide and seek in the house and of course Mommy or Daddio is always it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

One Day

So the other day Samuel was talking to Mommy and Daddio while we were getting ready for bed. We had just put Andy and Asher down for the night and Samuel was excited that he got to stay up 30 minutes longer than they did. We tell him it is because he is a big boy but in reality it is because Samuel and Andy will play all night long in their beds if they are both away when going down.

Anyway Samuel was talking to us and just randomly said, "I am a big boy Daddio, one day I was three and then one day I was four and became a big boy. When I was three I was not a big boy but now because of that day I am now a big boy."

It is amazing how he puts things together from what we say. We tell him that because he is 4 he is a big boy now so that he will help out with things more even though when he was 3 we told him he was a big boy then too but we did not associate it with his age.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


So yesterday (Friday) Asher was fussing during nap time and typically he falls right to sleep. Well later that day while over at Mr. Tim's house, Mommy was trying to get him to stop fussing again and that is when she noticed his first pearly white tooffer starting to pop through the gums. He is a little late compared to Samuel and Andy but at least there was not all the blood curdling screaming that went along with Samuel or the long weeks of fussiness that Andy had. Asher just popped it out and just did not like being by himself during this time.

Monday, April 13, 2009


So today, we went and had a family picture taken of us all, the lady was running a little late so after an hour and starving boys we had our pictures taken. Samuel, Mr. Photogenic now, was constantly smiling really big with his chin high in the air. Andy on the other hand thought if he covered his eyes he would not have to take a picture, so he kept putting his hands up over his face. Almost reminds me of myself when I had to get pictures taken but I do not think I ever covered my face.

Later that day for being so "good" in Mommy's opinion, we went bowling. It was close to their nap time but we thought we could get in 2 games before the fussing, crying, and whining got too bad but I think we over estimated the physical and emotional strain that picture taking has on someone. Anyway, Samuel needed to go pee so after he bowled, mommy took him to the restroom while Andy bowled. Joking with her I said they would be back before Andy bowled one frame and sure enough, Andy rolled the ball and it stopped just about 5 feet away from the pens. I managed to roll a second ball and push his down just to get the second ball to hit the sweeper and then get stuck on the lane. It ended up that there was a guy right there who came and got my ball for me as Mommy and Samuel was walking back up.

Asher had woken up by this time and he actually helped me roll the second ball down there. :o) Though he did not get to play any, he did cheer on the boys as they bowled their speed balls at 2.67 and the record speed was 0.98 MPH by Andy. They had recently installed things to record your speed.

Andy ended with his best score being 76, and Samuel 93 with 2 Spares. They managed to both beat me on the first game and almost on the second. Mommy on the other hand did not show any mercy for anyone. She politely informed me that being an Eagle Scout was a prerequisite for marriage but also being a decent bowler (above my original 68 on the first round) she just expected. I guess that is why you best check all the boxes before you settle with someone. :o)

The lady at the front desk saw that Samuel was using a 7 pound ball so she brought him out a cool camo green 6 pounder. Mommy used it once and Samuel (very tired) started to cry because Mommy just threw his new ball, but then was so excited when the "machine made him a new size 6 ball" just for him. After a while I finally understood his thinking, and I tried to explain that the machine pulls the balls back after using them and does not create new ones but he, like his Mommy, was set in his way and I had no chance at changing his thinking.

By frame 6 of the second game both Samuel and Andy were tired and very fussy, but it was worth it. Samuel was not so much fussy as tired and cry when his ball disappeared and it took a while for the machine to make a new one. I guess when you get tired things start getting emotional.

Anyway, they love bowling and I think they will be better than me after a few more games.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Asher Thomas

So Asher has always been a picky eater but lately he has been trying to eat by himself or trying to hold the baby food jar. Infact today he held the jar still for me while I shoveled about half the food out of it.

Well I recently found a picture of him eating and thought I would share it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Flash Back

So the other day I found a random flash camera card in a desk drawer. It was an amazing 8 megabytes in size and had a few images and a video on it.

Anyway on this little flash back we found pictures and a video of Samuel three years ago when we first moved to were we are now. I hope you enjoy.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Star Trek

So lately during my spare time when the boys are taking a nap, I have started watching Star Trek Enterprise DVDs from the library. Well today Asher was rolling around the living room and Samuel came in and said "Asher loves Star Trek Daddio."

With a smile on my face and Mommy looking at me weird I asked do you? And Samuel replied "YEAH, and I watched Star Trek when the ship was broken and they had to fix it, but the ship was broken but Bob and builder did not fix it........ and also Handy Mandy did not but someone one Star Trek fixed it."

Well as I look back while I am typing this I see my boys pulling drawers out and throwing peices of the boxes all over the place. I guess this is why I have not written very much in my blog when they do stuff because they end up tearing up the house when I am not looking.

I am 4

So last night while Oklahoma and Texas are facing fires, we are fasting our daily rain, infact tonight we became under a Tornado warning and our sirens started blaring. While we all went to the middle of the hallway we sat there listening to the Thunder and Samuel looked up at me and said, "Hey Daddio, I am not scared of Thunder and Lightning because I am 4. When I was 3 I was scared of them but now that i turned 4 I am no longer scared of them but if I were to turn 3 again I would be scared. But I am 4 so I am not scared."

Well if you are reading this I guess we survived the tornado. :o)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Miss Quoted

I just realized today while Samuel, Andy and I were putting some boxes together that I miss quoted Samuel on the last post. He said "Daddia, don't tell mommy because she will ask me why I did it and I WILL SAY IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, and she will say no it was not because you meant to do it so go sit in the naughty spot."

I just thought I would clear things up and not make mommy sound so mean because she is not. Samuel is claiming all things as accidents lately if he gets in trouble for it.


Oops I forgot to Post

After many days of "forgeting" to post I thought I best put up an update. :o) Sorry about that, I know all the fans of the boys are getting very agitated. I guess when the mother-in-law starts sending death threats I best listen. (Love you Marge :o)

For the past 2 weeks the boys and I have been off and on sick, one sick who then gives it to another when he gets better who then just keeps on passing it along. I think today and tomorrow will be the end of it all... Hopefully.

So yesterday I and Asher had doctors appointments at the same time so Mommy met us at the Hospital and went with Asher and was so kind to bring the boys with her. Because of all the drainage this sickness has been giving up the doctor wanted to have Asher X-rayed just to make sure it was not pneumonia because of all the crazy weather change we have been having here. Thankfully it was not. But Mommy bribed the boys telling them if they were good that she would bring them to eat at Charly's and get some chicken and french fries. We ended up bringing this home with their juice.

Anyway to make a short story long, Andy was crying and crying and crying (a fussing type of cry) so I finally went into the kitchen to see what was the matter and he had poured his juice into the container that had held the chicken and could not get it back into the cup to drink. So as the good father I am I helped him pure his crumb filled lemon-aide back into his cup to enjoy.

As I was turning away I noticed Samuel's chicken container had fruit punch drops in it so I asked him why he poured it in the container when he knew better than to do that, which he replied with the following: "I am sorry Daddia, I don't know why I did poured my juice in there but do not tell Mommy ok... because she will ask me why I did it too and I will say it was an accident and she will say no it was not because you meant to do it so go sit in the naughty spot and I do not want that to happen... ok."

It is funny that they already know the response of each parent. I kind of reminds me of the post a while back about the "phrase" kids remember us as saying.

Well if my mother-in-law will take back all those death threats I may continue writing,

Rusty Out