
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Naughty Spot

Asher Thomas had just woken up and Samuel and Andy with their daily ritual as the baby monitor yelled "Asher Daddio, I hear Asher!" and without a second breath they ran off in full speed to Asher's bedroom. As normal Samuel jumped on the bed (since Asher's bed is a double bed :o) and Andy tailing behind always stops to look for something that he can climb upon to get up there. This day Andy had grabbed the loud ridable Thomas that some neighbors gut for Samuel when he turned two. (Side note, these neighbors got him one and their son one but after the birthday party and the constant noise the thing made they took the unopened one they had gotten for their son as a present back)

Andyway to make a short story long, Andy loves opening the window blinds so that the sun light beams down on the bed. As he pulled Samuel wanted to help and grabbed the cords from Andy and ended up hitting Andy in the head with them. Naturally Andy started to cry and then I heard frantic feet running fastly out of the room and to the corner by the entry way. I come out of the kitchen and look over and Samuel is sitting in the corner with his head bent down so I ask him why Andy is crying and he replied, " Daddio you cannot talk to me for four more minutes because I am in the naughty spot." Confused I said what? And again he replied, "DaddiOOOO, shhhhhhhhh, don't talk to me I am in the naughty spot for four minutes because I am four."

With this I went into the bedroom and Andy had stopped crying and told me Samuel had hit him. Samuel is not just an honest boy, he is also a self punishing one too. :o) It reminds me of when he was little and we would spank his hands when he was naughty and so when he did something he would spank his own hand and tell me, I already did it.

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