
Monday, June 8, 2009


Well it looks like we have made our rounds. I started this blog talking about softball and here I am again talking about softball almost a year later.

Anyway, Mommy lets me play softball and she typically brings the boys to watch. They love watching me run out in the outfield, and they go crazy when I get up to bat or am running the bases. Well in today's game, they got there late and did not get to see me bat or run but, and because I was the Designated Hitter, I stayed in the dug out and kept score, which I am no good at, but someone has to do it. :o)

Well every time we switched field with the other team the boys would always run up to me and tell me "Good Job Daddio" or "I am so very very proud of you." I tell ya, even if I struck out, missed every hit to me, and threw the ball to the wrong base these boys would be there to cheer me on and lift me up. They think I am the greatest at Softball. Which I did get a comment this game that I am one of the only people they know who can hit a infield ball and still make it to first or something like that. I personally think it is because I am left handed and have a shorter distance to run than most batters plus with the way I swing I already have the momentom going for the run. :o) Either way the boys don't care, they just want to see Daddio play ball!

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