
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Following Mommy and Cold Water

Today has been a day filled with all sorts of excitement and with Samuel's recent comment I had to write about it all before I forgot.

To start with Mommy and I have been preparing for a neighborhood cookout with all our neighbors. This has been a fun event, got to meet our 2 new neighbor families and their children and even set up some play dates with everyone. Anyway I was in the dreboom doing laundry when Mommy came in and said she forgot something at the store and will be right back. Next thing I hear is the door shutting and a minute later Asher crying.

Asher was in the living room playing when he saw Mommy walk by so he went chasing after her. He crawled on the carpet then dragged himself with his hands into the kitchen and was pulling himself to the door Mommy went out of all upset and crying because she had left him. Needless to say he was over joyed as soon as saw me with a big smile and a hand slap right on my nose as usual.

Now tonight after the block party I stayed later talking to our neighbors getting ready to move while Mommy went in with the boys to give them baths. A little while later I came in and Samuel looked up at me from the tub and said, "Daddio I am very very upset at you because you did not save any cold water for me." Not fulling understanding what he was saying I asked him to repeat when he went to explain again, "Daddio, I am so very very sad because you used all the cold water and did not leave me any and now my bath is hot because you used up all the cold water when you took your shower. Next time Daddio you need to use some warm water so that there will be enough cold water left for me." During this whole time Mommy was laughing because she understood what he said and I was still confused. So Samuel asked what she was laughing at and she smiled sand said "Nothing Samuel, your precious." So he turned his look at me where I still fully did not get what he said so he repeated it again but this time started to show me by pointing at the hot and cold water nobs and pretending to turn each one when mentioning that one.

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