
Friday, May 15, 2009


These past few days have been very hectic again running into problems with the day care center on post where I have to put my kids so that I can teach AFTB classes so that AFTB can cover the cost. At first because of Samuel's allergies we had to jump hoops to bring his own food. Well it was time for the doctor's note to be renewed and for Andy get get one so that we can bring food. So the place needed proof of the allergies and his allergy chart was given which they decided..... well let me just say it took over 3 months to get everything fixed, doctors appointments, and meetings, and more paper work.

Well Tuesday I brought them in so I could go teach a class, ironically "Advanced Problem Solving Techniques." They would take Asher and Samuel but not Andy because they did not have this 12 month shot records. HE IS 27 MONTHS OLD!!!! I dealt with this before after his 12 months sots for about 3 to 4 months constantly bringing them in and finally getting a not written from a doctor saying the shot they say he does not have is a 4 year shot or something. So I asked them before I left with Andy if there was anything else they needed and again if they were sure.

Well Andy and I went to teach just to find out I was given the wrong date and was suppose to teach on the 13th not the 12th. So we used this time to go get a copy from the hospital of every single shot that Andy has ever gotten. While there I called to verify again if there was anything else, and when we returned with the records if there was anything else. Every time the Answer was No that is it for all your boys.

Well the next day (when I was suppose to teach), I get a phone call saying that I need to bring the rest of my boys medication before they can take them and that they need Andy's Asthma Action Plan too (which does not exist because he does not have Asthma). After getting the Action plan thing fixed I found out that they will not take over the counter Benadryl because they need the bottle to have a prescription note from the doctor on it that says "Use as Directed."

At this point I call Mommy and get her involved in helping get this medication because she is a Soldier and gets priority in the hospital. With the few hours she had she went and explained it all to the desk nurse who informed her that it takes 72 hours (not the 2 we have). So she told them why and she said she would try to get it expedited. But since the doctor was at lunch until 1 (needed to get the boys in at 1:30) we were unable to get this medication.

When I got to the daycare center it was such a big mess, and was told that they cannot take medication for hourly care, once straightened out I started handling Epi Pens and Inhaler (which they would never use) and then filled out a ton more paper work just to find out everything was wrong because they prescription notes said "Use as Directed as Needed." Because of the "as Needed" they could not take it but finally took them at 2 (when I was suppose to be teaching) so that I could go and they would talk to the head nurse.

Mommy managed to get the medication while I was teaching and met me at the Day Car Center, but again the medication said Use as Directed as needed. First off the as needed is on there so that they don't just give him the medication when it is not needed, but since their instructions says it cannot say as needed they have taken it to mean it cannot say it anywhere at all.

After all said and done, we now got to fill out 5 new forms every month and need to get the wording changed just on the inhaler thanks to the head nurse saying the others "Use As Directed As Needed" was fine.

The funny thing was before they would not let me bring Benadryl for the boys and actually got in trouble for forgetting about it and leaving it in the diaper bag once. For some reason during the renewing process so that we could provide their own food so that non of the above will ever be needed, someone in the hierarchy of it all decided the 3 months of jumping through hoops was not enough. The real reason why all this had to be done in the first place is because the state gives the center money for food for every child that eats so for us to bring our own food means less money for them therefore we had to get a special needs request to bring our own food. Now all the extra for Benadryl is just ridiculous. I can see maybe a note from the doctor about allergies and medication but not the massive jumping through hoops, wrong wording, form not filled out exactly like they want, and my favorite the hand writing does not match (I field out part of a form while someone else helped me fill in the gaps). Literally I am not lying that is how ridiculous it was

I can see where they are coming from with all this but denying my children child care for 5 months so we can play corrupted game of Simon says is just wrong, let me bring their food and a bottle of Benadryl with a doctors note, just in case! Now how hard is that!

Vent over.

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