
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Asher and Allergies

So far Asher has not shown any signs of allergies like his brothers, especially to the things they are allergic to. But the last few days Asher has been eating Watermelon. At first he was eating it all non stop then a few days ago he would eat a little and throw the rest on the ground. Well last night he ate just a little and kept throwing the rest down. We did not think anything of it until last night when he decided to keep me up most of the night and then again for most of the morning. Early in the morning he had 2 really watery poopies while holding him and then while he was eating his breakfast he started crying really bad and I just thought he was being fussy from little sleep last night but when I got him out of the chair when he was finished I noticed his PJs were wet and when I went to change his diaper there was undigested watermelon in it along with a very very red bottom.

All in all Asher may be allergic to watermelon, which is not something the others were allergic to. But it is in the melon family just like tomatoes which Samuel is allergic to. I guess I will need to keep a closer eye on him.

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