
Monday, August 10, 2009

Love's a One Way Street

So yesterday I learned from my oldest son that Love is a One Way Street with only one destination and not multi destinations. I guess this means that any postal worker cannot have love. :o)

Mommy did something for Samuel so he ran over to me and said "Daddio, I do not love you any more, I love Mommy instead." So I asked if if he could love us both to get pounded with a sharp "Nope."

On a side note children are mirrors, lately if I start noticing an attitude in Samuel I just look at the people around to see where he got it from. Recently he was constantly giving me this frowning look with his eye brows pointing downward when he wanted to do something or get his way. I kept telling to stop doing that because it does not look nice but then the next day I learned were he was getting it from. When I would get onto him I would get this mean face and typically they would do what I wanted so Samuel decided that it was the face so if he made the face I would do what he wanted. But I guess it does not work the other way around.

So to stop it I lightened my look and started smiling at him when he did it to me.

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